Friday, 7 February 2014

Difference between Bitmap and Vector graphics

A bitmap image is normally a photograph, computer image, videos and many over types of images. a bitmap image is mass of dots which is known as pixels. Pixels make up the image and they are coloured so that each dot is the correct colour for that part of the image. dots spread out or squeeze\e with the change of size of the image that's why images  become pixelated because of the way bitmap images are made with pixels.

This image shows all the different pixels within a gradient and the way in which they show though the more you zoom in on the image with the way it starts losing colour and effect. 

A vector image is a drawing or an animation which is made up of points and line shapes and fill which means that it can only be used for basic image but it wont pixelate when zoomed in because they way in which it is filled means the colour just changes with the size. Vector images also have less colour choices so it can leave them with not having the correct colours within them.  

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